Are general biohackers using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) as a longevity tool?

Are general biohackers using Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) as a longevity tool? 

Would it become a lifetime med? Like I said, I haven't really seen it get on the radar of the longevity community. Like I said, when I go to longevity conferences, talk to other longevity researchers, I have to explain to them what LDN is, which means that they don't have much in the way of experience with it or exposure to it. So it's still pretty new as a potential longevity drug. Of course, I can't claim that it's a longevity drug because we don't have that support yet. Would it become a lifetime med? Optimal doses haven't really been worked out. 

It's not even clear to anybody whether it is a longevity drug. However, experience with most longevity drugs is, the longer you take a longevity drug, such as Metformin, for example, which has promise as a longevity drug, or Tadalafil, two large studies that showed that it had potential. 

Kind of in both those cases, the longer somebody seemed to be on those gerotherapeutics, the better the effect. So I would say just kind of extrapolating from other longevity therapies, yes, I would say if LDN has more promise or proves out to be a longevity therapy, it's probably something somebody would want to be on for a longer term and maybe even a preventative.