The LDN Research Trust Health Tracker App is a FREE, very useful tool to help people with chronic conditions keep track of their medical issues, all in one place, while you are on the go!
All information is stored securely and compliantly, and identifiable data won't be shared with any third party. The patient is in control of their personalised data at all times.
Patients can track all aspects of their health and keep a journal, and can allow their doctor and/or pharmacist to monitor them if they choose. Keep track of the changes to the LDN dosage, and how it affects these key life markers:
- Quality of Life
- Sleep patterns
- Pain
- Mood
- Energy
Enter all medications and/or supplements, and track their dosage
Keep track of exercise, diet and more
PDFs will be sent after each entry, which can be printed or emailed to your healthcare provider, to monitor you
Low Dose Naltrexone - LDN
to access the app (100% free). Click here
Or use this QR code to open the link:

It is recommended that you bookmark it, or save a shortcut on your home screen or desktop.
Download the LDN App and Health Tracker Guide