Can LDN restore thyroid function? 

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Stephen Dickson
Pharmacist Stephen Dickson

Can LDN restore thyroid function? 

Where you still have an intact thyroid and your thyroid is being attacked by your body in an autoimmune way, in a disease like Hashimoto's disease, then yes, absolutely. Taking LDN can dampen down that autoimmunity and can also help restore thyroid function. And sometimes that works incredibly dramatically and very quickly, and it is problematic. So you do have to make sure that you modify your doses of externally taken oral supplementation with thyroid medication in line with your blood test results.

If you have an alternate condition, if you've had your thyroid removed, then, no, it's not going to do anything for your thyroid. So we do have patients ask that quite frequently. They have thyroid cancer and they've had their thyroid taken out. Could LDN help them get thyroid function back? In most people, the answer is no. 

So with Hashimoto's and has their thyroid, but have been on thyroid meds for ten years, can LDN still bring back some normal thyroid function? And the answer is yes. Even as people who have long term Hashimoto's, we have had cases where taking LDN has brought back some thyroid function. So, again, the same advice as earlier on, do not go up too quickly and monitor your thyroid and your thyroxin doses while you are titrating up.