Does no change in symptoms after taking LDN mean I’m a non-responder?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Stephen Dickson
Pharmacist Stephen Dickson

Does no change in symptoms after taking LDN mean I’m a non-responder?

What does it mean if I tapered up to 2.5 milligrams over the past four weeks, I've seen no change in symptoms, good or bad. Am I just a non-responder? Do I potentially need a higher dose? 

Just because you've had no symptom change or no side effects when you're on a 2.5 milligrams does not mean that you should stop. Get to 4.5 milligrams and stay there for three months. If you keep a diary of symptoms that you're getting, you might find that over the three months, the inflammation is gradually reduced biologically and symptoms improve over time. 

LDN can be something that takes several months at the full dose of 4.5 milligrams to work properly for you. So, don't give up, keep going. Get to 4.5 and stay there for at least three months before deciding.