Effectiveness Study Low-Dose Naltrexone Versus ARV's for HIV+ (Study)

Effectiveness Study Low-Dose Naltrexone Versus ARV's for HIV+ (Study)

Exp Clin Psychopharmacol

In the vast majority of those infected with HIV virus who are untreated, there is deterioration in immune health over a period of months or years inevitably leading to full-blown AIDS and demise. Treatment with ARV's stop or slow down this deterioration if started before a certain degree of progression occurs and has saved millions of lives. The investigators' study hypothesis is that effectiveness of a very low dose of an FDA-approved medication, naltrexone hydrochloride, (Low-Dose Naltrexone, or LDN) will compare favorably to ARV's to prevent progression of HIV+ toward immune deterioration and full-blown AIDS.

The LDN (low-dose naltrexone) vs ARV (anti-retroviral drugs) Effectiveness Study in Mali sponsored by The Ojai Foundation in California-USA is a clinical research study endorsed and approved by the Malian Government. Naltrexone hydrochloride is a generic, FDA-approved since 1998 drug, an opioid antagonist that has clinically shown immune enhancing/modulating qualities in very low dosage and may offer an alternative to ARV drugs that is effective, non-toxic, easily available, inexpensive, with simple once-daily at bedtime administration. LDN capsules must be created by compounding pharmacists to get these ultra-small doses. Due to toxicity of current ARV drugs and need for special medical management young HIV infected children are largely neglected particularly in developing countries; LDN can also be made available in a transdermal cream for infants and children who are HIV infected.