Laura from the United States shares her Cancer & LDN Story

Laura from the US shares her story about her grade 4 Glioblastoma and Low Dose Naltrexone.  Laura first noticed symptoms with cognitive difficulty and then disorientation. The hospital diagnosed the grade 4 glioblastoma and told her she would die by November (the year before this interview). Laura went through the full cycles of radiotherapy and chemotherapy which of course made her situation worse. Laura’s daughter found out about Low Dose Naltrexone and suggested that as a possibility to help and they found a doctor who would prescribe it. Pretty quickly Laura regained some quality of life and now walks over a mile a day, which before was impossible.  Low Dose Naltrexone is not a cure but has given Laura some life back, she is convinced the tumour is shrinking.  Laura says the Low Dose Naltrexone is worth trying as it’s essentially side effect free and has prolonged her life with quality time.