An interview with Teresa, who has been dealing with multiple health issues, including mold and hormone problems.


Kent Holtorf, MD - Mold and CIRS - 2022 Conference (LDN; low dose naltrexone)



Linda Elsegood: Welcome to the LDN Radio Show brought to you by the LDN Research Trust. I'm your host Linda Elsegood. Today I'd like to welcome our guest Pharmacist Suzanne Rosenberg from Community Compounding Pharmacy in Oregon. 

So could you tell us what made you decide to become a pharmacist? 


Welcome to the LDN Radio Show brought to you by the LDN Research Trust. I'm your host Linda Elsegood. Today we're joined by Ray Solano from PD Labs. He's also a nutritionist. Could you tell us a bit of background about yourself?


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