Pharmacist Masoud Rashidi, LDN Radio Show 11 Dec 2019 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood:  I'd like to welcome my guest, Dr Masoud Rashidi.  He was from California, the owner with his wife, Dr Anna.  They own their own compounding pharmacy in Folsom.  Thanks for joining us today, Masoud. 

Pharmacist John Herr, LDN Radio Show 21 Nov 2018 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today I'm joined by pharmacist John Herr, and he's from New Jersey in the US. Thanks for joining me today. John. 

John Herr: Oh, you're welcome. Glad to be able to spend this time with you. 

The combination very low-dose naltrexone-clonidine in the management of opioid withdrawal

Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse
May 2012

Tolerance to the anticonvulsant effect of morphine in mice: blockage by ultra-low dose naltrexone

Epilepsy Res
February 2009

Ultra-low dose naltrexone potentiates the anticonvulsant effect of low dose morphine on clonic seizures


Problem drinking and low-dose naltrexone-assisted opioid detoxification

J Stud Alcohol Drugs
May 2011

Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN)-Review of Therapeutic Utilization

Medical Sciences
21 September 2018

Placebo-controlled acute dosage naltrexone study in young autistic children

Augmentation of spinal morphine analgesia and inhibition of tolerance by low doses of mu- and delta-opioid receptor antagonists

Br J Pharmacol
July 2007

Oxytrex: an oxycodone and ultra-low-dose naltrexone formulation

Expert Opin Investig Drugs
August 2007