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Emerging Unconventional Therapies for Alopecia Areata
J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc
January 2018
The Use of Naltrexone in Dermatology. Current Evidence and Future Directions
Curr Drug Targets
Low-dose naltrexone: a novel adjunctive treatment in symptomatic alopecias?
Dermatol Online J
15 Aug 2019
Leesa shares her Hyperthyroidism and LDN story - 7th March 2018 from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo
Leesa from the United States takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Hypothyroidism and other conditions.
Doctors found my thyroid problems when I was 21. And I am now 36.
Dickson Chemist developed a new formulation of LDN which will hopefully improve the outcomes for patients. This new formulation is a more concentrated liquid in the form of drops which are administered under the tongue and absorbed directly from the mucosal lining of the mouth. This sublingual route produces a more rapid absorption bypassing the liver and digestive tract. There are several potential advantages to this, the drug may be more effective and will not be affected by the presence of food stuffs or the hostile environment of the gut.