Low-Dose Naltrexone Promising for pain relief in fibromyalgia and host of chronic conditions

Medical Dialogues
15 November 2022

Doctor Shares Alternative Spike Protein Treatments When Go-to Options Fail

Epoch Times
04 November 2022

Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Increases Endorphin Levels

30 September 2022

When prescribed in the low dose form, LDN can help with a multitude of different ailments and issues such as anxiety, depression, inflammation, cancers, chronic pain, immune system dysfunction, and other mental health-related issues, as well.  

Covered in The LDN Book 3. Purchase The LDN Book 3 at https://www.ldnrtevents.com/collections/ldn-books and find out more!


Can L-Theanine Help Treat Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?

12 September 2022

L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea. It is a relaxing agent that is known to relieve stress and anxiety. These effects can also be felt in people with psychological disorders, including bipolar disorder. Some people even claim to experience improved concentration.

Mesenteric Panniculitis, Sclerosing Mesenteritis and Mesenteric Lipodystrophy: Descriptive Review of a Rare Condition

Clin Colon Rectal Surg
10 August 2022

Association of low-dose naltrexone and transcranial direct current stimulation in fibromyalgia: a randomized, double-blinded, parallel clinical trial

Braz J Anesthesiol
18 August 2022


Asher Goldstein, MD - His experience with LDN as a Pain Specialist; LDN Radio Show 2022. (LDN; low dose naltrexone)



Linda: Welcome to the LDN radio show brought to you by the LDN Research Trust. I'm your host Linda Elsegood.  I have an exciting lineup of guest speakers who are LDN experts in their field. We will be discussing low dose naltrexone and its many uses in autoimmune diseases, cancers, etc. Thank you for joining us.