Mia - US: Rare Aggressive Head and Neck Cancer (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Mia takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for a rare aggressive form of cancer; nasal pharyngeal carcinoma which was diagnosed in 2006 when she was 43.

Dr Bob Lawrence, LDN Radio Show (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Bob Lawrence shares his Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Kimberly - US: Cancer, Fibromyalgia (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Kimberly, from the US takes LDN for fibromyalgia, and she also has a service dog (a cocker spaniel) who takes LDN for liver disease and liver cancer. 

Kevin - England: Cancer (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Kevin from England, takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Chronic Hepatitis, which then developed into Hepatocellular Carcinoma.

Jane - Scotland: Ovarian Cancer (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Jane from Edinburgh takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for ovarian cancer. 

Dr Thomas Cowan, LDN Radio Show 14 Dec 2016 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Thomas Cowan shares his Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Dr Thomas Cowan, LDN Radio Show (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo

Dr Thomas Cowan shares his Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.