Dr Leonard Weinstock, LDN Radio Show (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Leonard Weinstock shares his Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Dr Leonard Weinstock is from St Louis in Missouri and helps patients with GI Issues and other autoimmune conditions.

Dr Laurie Marzell, LDN Radio Show 01 March 2017 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Laurie Marzell shares her Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) experience on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Dr Kat Toups, LDN Radio Show 15 March 2017 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr. Kat Toups is an MD from California in the US,  a functional medicine doctor and a psychiatrist.

Dr David Borenstein, LDN Radio Show 28 Dec 2016 (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Linda Elsegood: Today we are joined by Dr. David Bornstein.  Thank you for joining us, David. 

Dr David Borenstein: Thank you for having me. 


Linda Elsegood: I'd like to introduce Darlene from the United States who takes LDN. Thank you for joining me, Darlene.

Darlene: I had lupus for many years and started back when I was raising my young children, and I felt fatigued and feel all the time. So I found the LDN.

Linda Elsegood: Before we start Darlene, what are the conditions do you have?

What autoimmune conditions that you use LDN for?

Darlene: Well, I use it for Myasthenia Gravis also, another autoimmune disease.

Angela - Ireland: Alopecia Universalis (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Angela from Ireland shares her Alopecia and LDN Story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Psychopharmacologic Therapies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (Abstract)

Gastroenterol Clin North Am
Epub 01 July 2021

Katie gives an update on taking LDN for Fibromyalgia, Interstitial Cystitis, GERD, IBS (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Katie from the US gives as an update on taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Fibromyalgia, Interstitial Cystitis, GERD, IBS.