The LDN Side Effect Survey Results from 2020 - Jill Brook, MA (2021 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

Jill Brook, MA is a Research Advisor to the LDN Research Trust. In this presentation she shares the results of the 2020 LDN Side Effect Survey.


Developing outcome centric, territory-specific access protocols for the provision of niche product - John Bardsley (2021 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

John Bardsley is managing director of Thistle Pharma Ltd. LDN is an unlicensed medicine. Much of what he is talking about pertains specifically to the UK sector, and may apply to your own territories as well.


Delivery Systems - Yusuf Saleeby, MD (2021 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

In this presentation, Dr. Saleeby discusses different delivery systems for Naltrexone/LDN and ultra low dose Naltrexone, the nuances for the different types of delivery systems, and how to best write a professional compounding prescription.


Opiate Receptor Drugs – To Cycle or Not to Cycle Dosing? - Paul Anderson, NMD (2021 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)


History, Pharmacology and Mechanism - Stephen Dickson, BSC (hons) MRPharmS (2021 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

LDN Research Trust 2021 Conference - Friday Morning


Darin Ingels, ND - LDN and Children (2017 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

Research on LDN in children shows it is safe with low side effects. Studies where LDN was used successfully in children: 2 with Crohn’s, 2 with autism, 1 with CRPS. His cases: autism; Hashimoto’s; IBS.


Stephen Dickson, BSC (hons) MRPharmS - Using an Old Drug to Trick the Immune System into Healing Itself (2018 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)


John Bardsley - Using unlicensed medicines as a part of patient care (2018 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

John Bardsley is a pharmacist who has spent 15 years in the supply chain managing small to medium sized businesses in terms of GMP manufacture and GDP distribution throughout the UK. 


Olga Cortez, MD - LDN Use in Women's Health I (2019 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)