Jayne - Canada: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Jayne from Canada to share her LDN story she takes for multiple sclerosis. She first got diagnosed back in 2001 she was 41 at the time. She was a very active person before the diagnoses she worked for the workout mags and had a very busy life.

Jay - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Jay from England shares his Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Jane - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Jane from England shares her LDN story who has multiple sclerosis.

Jamie - US: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Jamie from the United States takes LDN for multiple sclerosis, where she first started to notice symptoms November of last year, after her second child. That being only 28 years old. 

James - England: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (LDN, low dose naltrexone) from LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

James from England shares his Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.