Adding ultralow-dose naltrexone to oxycodone enhances and prolongs analgesia: a randomized, controlled trial of Oxytrex

J Pain
June 2005

Off-label, Low-Dose Naltrexone for Refractory Chronic Low Back Pain

Pain Med
May 2014

Low-dose naltrexone inhibits the epithelial-mesenchymal transition of cervical cancer cells in vitro and effects indirectly on tumor-associated macrophages in vivo

Int Immunopharmacol
September 2020

Ameliorative response to detoxification, psychotherapy, and medical management in patients maintained on opioids for pain

Am J Addict
Oct 2017

Biased Opioid Antagonists as Modulators of Opioid Dependence: Opportunities to Improve Pain Therapy and Opioid Use Management  (Abstract)

11 Sept 2020

Intranasal Low-Dose Naltrexone Against Opioid Side Effects: A Preclinical Study (Abstract)

Front Pharmacol
18 Sept 2020

Abuse Liability, Anti-Nociceptive, and Discriminative Stimulus Properties of IBNtxA (Abstract)

ACS Pharmacol Transl Sci
27 July 2020

Low-Dose Naltrexone: An Inexpensive Medicine for Many Ills?

Medscape Medical News
11 Mar 2020

LDN Research Trust on Vimeo.

Dr Asher Goldstein’s presentation on Pain at The 2019 Pain Seminar.

Dr Goldtsein talks about the Opioid Epidemic in America, stating that over 1.4 million Americans misused opioids in 2017.


Samyadev Datta, MD, FRCA - LDN in Pain Management (2017 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

In this presentation Dr Datta explains the science behind pain management, and how through his wealth of experience in the medical sector he has identified inflammation as a primary cause of pain and LDN to an effective solution.