Why take Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) at Night? 

Dr Lauren Mathewson
Dr Lauren Mathewson

Why take Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) at Night? 

From Miss Carol and the question is why is LDN suggested for nighttime.  She is taking it during the day, and she says it takes her a little while to get going in the morning. I generally have folks who we recommend take LDN in the evening because that's when our natural endorphin production is going to be most active, and that's what we're trying to get the system to target. The other thing is when we take LDN and it gets on the opiate receptor, it can cause a little bit of a flattening feel for that individual, right, just because all your natural opiate receptors are bound up.  

We think if we can it's nice to get folks t  sleep through that in the evening as opposed to being awake for it during the day. But I totally have folks that feel better taking their LDN first thing in the morning. I think it's very individual and I think it's something that's very safe and easy to kind of tinker with.  Just try it and see how you do with it.