LDN Prescribers

We have a list of LDN-literate prescribers from many countries.

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Apelles Econs, MRCS, LRCP

Ewell Village, Surrey, England

The Burghwood Clinic - Doctor led services based in Surrey, with branches in London, Leeds and Oxford, offering comprehensive range of tests and treatments for most chronic/auto-immune conditions including LDN. Urgent appointments available on Skype or telephone for distant clients.


Harpal Bains, MD

London, England

Dr. Harpal Bains - At Harpal Clinic, we combine functional medicine with hormone therapy, stress and lifestyle management to offer patients a unique, whole-body, full health approach.


Janine Milne, BSc(hons) Pharmacy, Dip NCIM


Janine Milne BSc(hons) Parmacy, Dip NCIM  - prescribing pharmacist specialising in autoimmune conditions, hypothyroidism, Long COVID, and cancer. Consultations are half an hour for those looking only for an LDN prescriber; or a full hour, where we discuss nutrition, supplements and lifestyle, as well as LDN. 


Laura Homan, RGN, Bsc, Msc, NMC


Positive IV - We are a progressive medical clinic providing IV therapy and integrative care services offering a full range of functional medicine, LDN, NAD+ at home, IV Therapy, HBOT home rental high dose Vitamin C and Vitamin therapies to support your health and wellbeing.


Sally-Ann Turner, MD

Disley, Cheshire, Stockport

Bodyline Clinic - a private medical wellness company that is CQC registered and in the UK. It has nine wellness clinics and remote telehealth service.

We treat all patients with a holistic approach for LDN, HRT and medical weight loss treatments.



Westbourne Medical Studios

Westbourne Medical Studios - We aim to provide the very best integrative care from a team of like-minded professionals who believe in a truly holistic approach to healthcare. Offering bespoke medical and wellbeing therapies to promote true healing of mind, body and spirit.


ldnLDN Marketplace

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telemedTelemed Consultations 

Telemed Consultations are a great way of obtaining an LDN prescription if you don't have a prescriber close by or are unable to travel very far.

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  • We gain permission before adding prescribers to the website.

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Please be aware that our Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Prescriber List is provided for general information only. We do not, nor do we have the capability to, verify the accuracy of the information that prescribers provide to us. We accept all information that prescribers provide to us in good faith and place it on our Prescriber List, which we make available to you on an as-is basis. The fact that the information has been placed on this list should not be taken to indicate that the LDN Research Trust has verified or validated it in any way. The LDN Research Trust does not endorse or recommend any of the prescribers who appear on the Prescribers List.

Accordingly, it is advised that you obtain professional or specialist advice including on, but not limited to, the qualifications, credentials and suitability of any prescriber, before taking, or refraining from, any action on the basis of the content of the Prescriber List.