In addition to Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) do you prescribe other meds or over-the-counter meds for people with Hypermobile EDS?

In addition to Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) do you prescribe other meds or over-the-counter meds for people with Hypermobile EDS?

Yes, all the time. It depends on what the clinical picture looks like and how much pain a person is having versus dysautonomia, versus mass cell activation syndrome, for example. I try to go after the symptoms that are impacting their quality of life most significantly. I look at what have they been taking in the past. What do I think that they are most likely to benefit from? Also looking at the risk-benefit ratio, because some things carry more risk than others. I also try to think about, what's the endpoint? and if we start this medication, how long are we likely to be on it for?