In addition to Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), what can help with cognitive issues?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
Pharmacist, Michelle Moser

In addition to Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), what can help with cognitive issues?

Thank you very much for answering my questions on ME. My most concerning symptom is the cognitive problems. Since having four vaccines in 2021, especially the last booster, the brain energy has been very concerning. I sleep a lot in the afternoon, and then wake up very sluggish and confused. Since being on LDN, these highs and lows have been exaggerated. Though I have very good one quarter ME a day, it's very good. Any suggestions? 

Continue the Low Dose Naltrexone. Look at other therapies to support cognitive issues, perhaps really good Omegas, perhaps glutathione infusions, perhaps B-complex. There are really good websites to help with a lot of these symptoms, especially concerning long COVID. 

Dr. Pam Smith wrote a chapter in the third LDN book that goes over long COVID and she talks about a lot of over the counter supplements that can be used to help with that. You absolutely have to rest. 
It takes a lot of time.

There is another website that is the FLCCC website, and they talk a lot about long COVID and other protocols, issues with long VAX issues. There is a syndrome called long VAX. 

There is, you know, another symptom called long COVID. And that might be helpful for you. There are a number of studies. So since, well, since 2021, we have seen at least a dozen studies out on long COVID and the use of Low Dose Naltrexone. 

What I have found very helpful is that many of these studies use Low Dose Naltrexone in very small doses. All of the therapies are individualizing those doses for that specific person, but they're almost always using co -therapy such as Omegas, Magnesium, sometimes other triglycerides to help support cognitive function. 

But yeah, there is a lot out there and you can very easily find that. I believe a lot of them are published on the website.