Anne (2) from England shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Linda Elsegood: like to introduce Anne from England who takes LDN for multiple sclerosis. Good morning 

Anne (England): Good morning. 

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell us when you were diagnosed with ms? 

Anne (England): I was officially diagnosed in 1980, but I've had about 15 years before. In 1990, I was diagnosed with ms. 

Linda Elsegood: Oh, right, okay. So what symptoms did you have in those 15 years? 

Anne (England): I kept losing my balance that was one thing. And then I started to drag in my right foot, it just wouldn't work properly. You know, I was falling apart it didn't make sense it had to be MS.

Linda Elsegood: So what were your symptoms like by the time you were diagnosed?

Anne (England): Well, I've had very little change. Um, it was very, very slow. I went into a hospital, and they did a lumbar puncture. And as I said, I came at being far worse than when I'd gone in. Whether that was because I realized it was something very serious. And also, I don't know. But my balance and my walking really went down Hill over the weeks.

Um, and then the consultant told me, yes, you've got ms. hank you very much. 

Linda Elsegood: So before you started LDN if you had to rate your quality of life at that.time on a score of one to 10, 10 being the highest, what would it have been?

Anne (England): Well, I would say it was about seven deteriorating, quite rapidly down to four. Yoga or swimming, all sorts and it was just going out to the window. Plus I got children of six and nine at the time. So it was a big impact. 

Linda Elsegood: So when did you first get these symptoms?

Anne (England) um, well I, I would be, I would say I would be in my mid to late thirties.

Linda Elsegood: And how did you hear about LDN

Anne (England): LDN? It was an article in my local ms magazine, and it turned out there's a guy lived a couple of hundred yards across the road from me, I didn't know because there's the main road and I didn't know him. He just wrote an article singing the praises of LDN. I rang him and took it from there. 

Linda Elsegood: Were you able to get your own doctor to prescribe it or did you have to get it privately? 

Anne (England): Oh, yes. I, I just went and saw my doctor. I took all the information from the LDN side on not only the basic information on its impact on ms, took it up to my doctor, who was very good.

He read it, and he said, you want to try it? Do you think it'll do some good? Here you are. He gave me a private prescription while I'm on the phone. Yes, he was. It was brilliant. 

Linda Elsegood: Yes. So when you started, how long ago was that? Now. 

Anne (England): Um, I can tell you exactly because it was 2003 and I started it just before we were due to go on holiday and I started taking it in liquid form, um, which I, I couldn't really cope with, with messing around with this arrangement and things, cause my fingers don't work very well on some days.

I started in 2003, I'm liquid form, I, within six months I was, I was on the capsules.

Linda Elsegood: So when you first started, did you send the introductory side effects? 

Anne (England): Absolutely nothing at all. Nothing happens in the first two or three days. And then on about the fourth day, I was walking holding my husband's arm to the car. And he suddenly said, you were walking a lot better. And he noticed immediately. I wasn't dragging on his arms so much. I was still using my stick, but I wasn't dragging on his arm so much. And he actually comes into it, and I thought. Well, it's obviously working because I thought it was just me, you know, I will be thinking, 

Linda Elsegood: Oh, that was very quick, wasn't it?

Anne (England): Yes. It was four days and I don't think I've looked back since, you know. 

Linda Elsegood: Right. What would you say your quality of life is now? 

Anne (England): I go out every day. I maintain all the garden, and I want some vegetables going. That's basically a big garden. But I do much better and squat down and, um, do the gardening of sitting on a chair usually. And, um, a couple of years ago, my daughter, got married from here, and we had the reception for 90 odd people in the garden. And I helped paint all the fences and do everything.

Linda Elsegood: If you rated it on a score of one to 10, 10 being the highest, what would you say?

Anne (England): The my quality of life? Yeah. Oh, I'd say I'm on an eight. And I just get on with life, and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

Linda Elsegood: fantastic. And would you say LDN has helped lighten your mood?

Anne (England): Uh, yeah. I've had people say why are you always so cheerful? I can't do anything about MS it won't go away. Won't improve with age, so get on with it. You know, what's the point of being miserable about things? 

Linda Elsegood: And what would you say to other people who are thinking of trying LND?

Anne (England): give it a go. There's nothing to lose. Well, you've got maybe a few pounds to lose, and you've got nothing else to do. I've also tried things. I even went down the STEM cell road. 

But just for the sake of a few pounds, give LDN a try, and I certainly found it fabulous. And I continue to recommend it to anybody, and everybody.

Linda Elsegood: Well, thank you for spreading the word and long may your gardening continue. 

Anne (England): You're very welcome.

Linda Elsegood: Any questions or comments you may have. Please email me. Linda, L I N D I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. You are joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.