Are there any benefits to taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) all at once versus dividing it up?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Michelle Moser
Pharmacist, Michelle Moser

Are there any benefits to taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) all at once versus dividing it up?

Are there any benefits to taking my entire 4.5 milligram dose of LDN all at once versus dividing it up 1.5 in the morning 3 milligrams at bedtime 12 hours later? I'm finding 4.5 milligrams of bedtime over stimulating and when I initially titrated up, but should I have stuck it out and waited for my body to adjust to the full 4.5 at bedtime? Should I keep retrying the full dose at bedtime periodically? Just wondering if I'm missing out on any benefits by splitting my doses.  

Well, you're welcome. This is a very good question It really depends on what you're using Low Dose Naltrexone for and again 4.5 isn't necessarily the dose that we all have to get to we don't all have to get to 4.5 if you found that it was over stimulating or if someone has migraines or headaches and that sort of thing then the dose is too high. We literally should dial it down the only time, well the majority of the time that we use split dose low dose naltrexone, is primarily for pain control but even at 1.5 in the morning and 3 at bedtime might be too much and it may be too much for taking care of that pain, but certainly going after any of the other issues behind why do you have chronic pain or what exactly we're using the Low Dose Naltrexone for? If this is an autoimmune issue once a day dosing is usually preferred.