Are there virtual Doctors who prescribe Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)? 

Are there virtual Doctors who prescribe Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)? 

If you're looking for an MD to prescribe virtually, there's a lot of criteria in the United States, and I have to be clear about that, and Canada, that you have to have patients in clinic or they have to be a patient in the regulatory authority of that prescriber. You can't go out of state, you can't go out of province. At this point, there seems to be a crackdown here. So if you can't find a prescriber in your area that's willing to do LDN, I'm going to urge you to look to a compounding pharmacy, because I guarantee they know someone who's prescribing LDN. They can put you in contact with that prescriber and then you can go from there. So sneaky trick. I wouldn't worry about the virtual if you can't leave the house, talk to your current provider and have them refer you to someone else who does know this.