Barbara (1) from the United States shares her Sjögren's Syndrome & LDN Story on the LDN Radio Show

Barbara from the United States shares her Sjögren's Syndrome and LDN story on the LDN Radio Show with Linda Elsegood.

Barbara suddenly noticed something was wrong with her health when she began to experience sudden pain without an apparent cause. The pain eventually intensified until the point where it hurt to lift her foot onto the sidewalk to avoid the curb.

After the pain naturally died down, it returned a few years later which is when Barbara was then diagnosed with Sjögren's Syndrome. Upon hearing about Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) through her cousin, she decided she must try it.

Barbara is now able to enjoy time with her family without any serious pain and do the simple things like climbing the stairs without any stiffness in her legs.

This is a summary of Barbara’s interview. Please listen to the rest of Barbara’s story by clicking on the video above.