I am a holistic psychiatrist. Patients consult me because they are suffering from symptoms related to brain health. The health of the brain is related to the degree of inflammation in the body. The degree of inflammation in the body is related to a person’s immune status. LDN helps with inflammation by modulating the immune system. It is rare that I do not suggest a trial of LDN to a patient, because almost everyone could potentially benefit as most psychiatric conditions are mediated brain inflammation. When a patient has an auto-immune condition that is accompanied by psychiatric symptoms, they are even more likely to respond. It sometimes can work wonders in conditions for which conventional medicine does not have much to offer; those conditions that are mysterious and poorly understood like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia.
Because LDN is safe, inexpensive and sometimes a game-changer, in my experience, it is worth trying in almost every case. It does not help everyone, but it almost always makes sense to initiate a trial, as the potential benefit far outweighs the risk.