Can Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) be taken with Transplant Medications? I've been trying to get an answer to this for over a year. It's recommended not to use LDN with transplant medications but is that only for transplants? I take Myfortic for you for lupus nephritis, which is so Myfortic is a brand name for mycophenolate sodium, and she says she's been getting very mild answers. So she really hasn't been getting answers to the root question she says she really wants to go back on LDN. So hopefully, this writer is joining us today and what I will say is that if you're using medications, commercially available medications, and they are not for transplant uses, the use of LDN with those medications is generally just fine. And what
I mean by that that if you're trying to treat lupus, which is an autoimmune issue, LDN will help with the modulation of the immune system. There is no drug interaction between mycophenolate and Low-Dose Naltrexone so it should be fairly safe for you to use however if you are using mycophenolate for transplant issues, that's a different discussion.