Can a patient take Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Clozapine?

LDN Specialist Pharmacist Stephen Dickson
Pharmacist Stephen Dickson

Can a patient take Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and Clozapine?

Clozapine is a very, very potent antipsychotic medication. The problem with clozapine, there are several side effects. We would always recommend, if anyone is on Clozapine, not to initiate LDN because there's a risk of upsetting the Clozapine dose or upsetting the careful balance that there is. I would never initiate a patient on LDN if they are on Clozapine unless I was the originating prescriber of the Clozapine and I had access to all of their numbers and blood results on a monthly basis.