Can Tirzepatide be used Effectively with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)? 

LDN Specialist
Dr. Sam Lebsock and Pharmacist Michelle Moser

Can Tirzepatide be used Effectively with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)? 

Are there any cases where someone has taken Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) with tirzepatide and have noticed it being more effective in reducing total weight?  Tirzepatide is a peptide medication that we often use for weight loss.  We use LDN for weight loss as well.  I don’t believe there is a drug interaction but I would be very careful about thyroid function and very careful about watching A1C because if you're using LDN and bump up the LDN to what's considered weight loss dosing and you're still using a peptide to help reduce total body mass index you don't want someone trigger any thyroid issues or other issues. 

LDN, especially at the 1.5 milligram dosing has been used with semaglutide and tirzepatide and some of the other weight loss medications.  I also know that some people who increase their dose of LDN into weight loss protocols (that's anywhere from 4 to 32 milligrams spaced out during the day) they also see a change in mood and appetite and sleep. 

If you want to add the terzapatide and see how it goes please do with caution making sure that you are looking at a complete thyroid panel, not just a TSH. That you're watching antibodies,  free T4, free T3, perhaps even a reverse T3.  You also need to be monitoring blood glucose levels, getting a CBC, CMP and A1c on a routine basis.