Celia from Ireland shares her Parkinson’s & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Celia from Ireland takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Parkinson's disease.


In 2003 I had a bit of a shake in my right arm but the doctor said  it was not enough to worry about. Then two years went by, and it was obviously getting a bit worse and I was diagnosed with Parkinson's.

I started taking Mirapex and later Parkinson's had progressed, and I was beginning to find it very difficult balance-wise and was not confident about walking but I never stopped working.

I actually got an MBA last year for services to build a heritage of Northern Ireland because I'm trying to restore and regenerate our modern village, which I live in and which my family built-in 1835.

I never had a problem with driving so I've always been independent in that way, but sort of getting in and out of the car wasn't the easiest sometimes.

I heard about LDN trought my cousin, went to a consultant and he did prescribe it to me.

I didn't notice an immediate relief but then I realized that I wasn't worried about walking anymore

neither shaking. I've straightened up a bit, not completely straight yet. I just feel so much better.

I had put on quite a lot of weight because I wasn't able to walk very much at all and that's all coming off now, so that's good.

I found it extremely difficult trying to write and now I can write perfectly normally again. I do use computers a lot, and I find that was quite an effort, but now it's absolutely fine.

Before LDN I would score my quality of life with a 5 out of 10 and now I would say 9.5.

Please listen to the video for the full story.