Corrigendum: The Effect of Low-Dose Naltrexone on Medication in Inflammatory Bowel Disease... (Abstract)

Corrigendum: The Effect of Low-Dose Naltrexone on Medication in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Quasi Experimental Before-and-After Prescription Database Study 

J Crohns Colitis
09 September 2019

There were some errors in Table 3, Supplementary data 3 and Supplementary data 5 in the original article. These have now been corrected in the online version.

The method used (*Altman) is not available in standard statistics packages, and had to be performed in Excel. When calculating p-values from Z-scores, the Excel function =NORM.S.DIST was mistakenly used. This gives approximately correct p-values for high Z-scores (statistical significant results), but the maximum max p-value output for this function is 0,4.

There are no results where the statistical significance status is changed. The differences in p-values is mainly affecting the most non-significant values making p-values larger. The results, conclusions and scientific understanding of the study remain unchanged.