Could COVID be the thing that makes Mast Cells mutate and become dysfunctional?
In another talk, Dr. Dempsey mentioned that a trigger causes Mast Cell to mutate and become dysfunctional. Could COVID be the thing that makes Mast Cells mutate and become dysfunctional?
Absolutely. Well, it can start at what's called de novo or secondary MCAS.
So there are a number of patients who get MCAS and then basically morph into a, they get COVID and they morph into a long COVID patient with Mast Cell attributes. And they may not have ever had Mast Cell symptoms before.
We did study this and it showed that the MCAS patients that were untreated were very similar to the long COVID patients. But when you looked at the long COVID patients and asked them ‘what was life before you developed long COVID?’, they were identical to control patients or control subjects. So, we published that International Journal of Infectious Disease.