Dr Pamela Smith, LDN Specialist and Advisor to the LDN Research Trust
COVID Long Haulers Question - 1 (LDN, low dose naltrexone)
If you have a mild case of Covid and recover from it, what's the usual window of time for long-haul symptoms to occur?
That varies. In the medical literature they describe up to 90 days. Some people say after a month. There's quite a variance in the medical literature.
A Question from the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Q&A Webinar on COVID and Long Haulers, the 2-hour seminar is available along with an extensive 278 page PowerPoint PDF and a Treatment Protocol, https://www.ldnrtevents.com/collections/webinars-and-training-courses/p…
Dr Pamela Smith, LDN Specialist and Advisor to the LDN Research Trust