Does it make sense that after two years with long haul Covid, I am positive for anti-smooth muscle and high globulin liver cells? I'm on 3.0 milligrams of LDN. What does this mean?
You may have an autoimmune process going on, and so what we do for every patient with an autoimmune disease, and again my personal belief, is a Covid long-haul and Covid long haul due to vaccine are an autoimmune response. So we do three things for every autoimmune disease: take the patient off of gluten, fix the gut, low-dose naltrexone. So again, take the patient off of gluten, fix the gut, and low-dose naltrexone are a great place to start. Some of my patients have had a bark etc, so you've probably gone into more of an autoimmune response, so I would start with that.
A Question from the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Q&A Webinar on COVID and Long Haulers, the 2-hour seminar is available along with an extensive 278 page PowerPoint PDF and a Treatment Protocol, https://www.ldnrtevents.com/collections/webinars-and-training-courses/p…
Dr Pamela Smith, LDN Specialist and Advisor to the LDN Research Trust