David from England shares their Lyme Disease & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story


David from England takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Lyme disease. He first noted symptoms when he was around 21 or 22, when his health started to fall apart quite quickly. He was practically housebound. He was exhausted, suffered from brain fog, upset stomach, and a lot of muscle aches and pains. He suffered from confusion, inability to concentrate, headaches, and IBS. He had to rely on state benefits and could only work part-time. Once his specialist diagnosed the Lyme disease and prescribed LDN, his symptoms improved dramatically, and he was able to work full-time.

At one point, he went off of the LDN for a two month period, but found that his health deteriorated again and his symptoms returned. However, once he resumed the LDN, he again saw benefits as before. 

David also notes that for him, LDN side effects were mainly vivid dreams, but other than that, no negative side effects.

This is a summary of David’s interview. Please listen to the interview for the full story.