Denise from the United States shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone Journey

Denise from the United States shares her Low Dose Naltrexone story for multiple sclerosis. 

She was diagnosed with a cat scan first and then an MRI that was around 10 years ago. She was on Copaxone at the time. The meds at first weren’t working out, she was allergic to them. Her quality of life was around a 1 at the time. She started researching looking for different ways to treat MS and she found through a FaceBook group LOW DOSE NALTREXONE. 

After three years of not being on any kind of meds, a doctor finally prescribes it to her. She had mild side effects of gastro problems.

She started seeing major improvements including sleeping better and 75% of the pain went away. Her quality of life increased from a 1/10 to 8/10.

To hear the full summary of Denise experience please listen to the full video.