Di from Australia shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story 

Di from Australia has multiple sclerosis (MS). She started receiving symptoms in 1996, where she had vision problems, stress of her sick mother could have potentially played a part. Di had blurred vision in one eye. She was gradually diagnosed with optic neuritis, which she started taking steroids. For the next 17 years she felt rather well with no symptoms. In the year of 2005, Di had noticed problems with walking. Where she had progressed to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis. Symptoms include tingling and facial numbness, pins and needles, as well as awkwardness in her right side and right leg.

Di was prescribed with Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) three years ago, she started noticing changes after one month. Recent symptoms included urinary problems. The tingling, the pain, the needles, and numbness all resolved, where she now feels more stabilized.

Overall, Di recommends Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) and found our website helpful when researching. 

Please play the video to listen to the full story. 

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