Do Benzos (Benzodiazepines )help with Mast Cell activation?

Do Benzos (Benzodiazepines )help with Mast Cell activation?

How do Benzos help with Mast Cell Activation? And can Benzos help with small fiber neuropathy? I have CVID but could not to SQIgG without serious HTN and complex migraines with left sided neuropathy. I also have Relapsing Polychondritis. Past severe exposures to pesticide, petroleum, out in the country to avoid so many exposures, can only take them in therapy.

I'm going to answer this in part two and interview that I had in the patient's district. 
She lives two hours away. She has to wear dark sunglasses, super dark. She can't tolerate light at all. She had a doctor tell her, who thought she might have Celiac disease. She had done some really great progress in her underlying Mast Cell symptoms by going gluten free. They told her to start eating gluten like crazy and then we'll do a biopsy. Well, she did. And then she couldn't stand any light, severe photophobia. And basically, for another reason, she was put on low dose Benzos, Ativan. And then she could see, but literally all day long, she had to be in a totally dark room. 

So, if you look at the literature, there are like three studies of mice and cells and basically you treat them, the Mast Cells, and treat the cells with Benzos and they stop putting out histamine. 
So, Benzos are big in my practice. I would say that in general, 90% of my patients do well with these simple steps and on this talk about with antihistamines and a lot of. and of course, LDN for many at 60% of my practice, but I will use Benzos liberally in patients who are living a horrible life and they get better. 

We're going to be doing a study about that, sooner than later, so we have a questionnaire talking about Benzos, neuropsychiatric issues, LDN, comparing that to spouse controls.