Does Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) also work on the nervous system?

Does Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) also work on the nervous system?

I feel like nervous system regulation activities slightly helped my MCAS. Does LDN also work on the nervous system? 

Well, yes, indirectly. If you minimize activation of Mast Cells and there's less chemicals floating around your body, that may well be going into your brain, that's going to affect your central nervous system and your peripheral nervous system. 

I have so many patients that come in and say, ever since I went on the LDN, I have no neuropathy, no numbness, no pain. I'd be interested to see if it has much effect on small fiber neuropathy, which is a really tough one to treat. Then, Dr. Dempsey would know more about that. Those are my thoughts in terms of that question. 

Mast Cells line every neuron in the body. In addition, in the brain, they're talking to these microglia cells, the astrocytes. 
There's just tremendous crosstalk between Mast Cells and the nervous system. We know that crosstalk can lead to pain, to neurodegenerative diseases, and other things.