Does a Persons Weight Effect the Dosage of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

Does a Persons Weight Effect the Dosage of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

For very low weight people should the LDN doses be lower to reflect that?

Not necessarily. Again, I haven't really seen weight, or body size or age, be a big factor.

In general I think smaller people and kids and probably the elderly, tend towards a lower dose, same kind of titration schedule, the same kind of  monitoring for response still applies, no matter how big, how small, how old, how young.

Of course, younger patients, kids, I would start at a lower dose and probably cap it at a lower dose than I would with adults. But no, I haven't really seen that much of a difference.

Now, of course if somebody is low weight because of a medical condition, that's a whole different story. But if they're kind of naturally low weight, just a small frame or something like that, then I wouldn't have any different recommendations for dosing than for other patients.