Does the severity of side effects increase with higher doses of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

Does the severity of side effects increase with higher doses of Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

What do you think of 6.75 or nine? What are the side effects of the higher at 3?

I think that the patient response to the dose is going to be the patient response to the dose. The increase in side effects; you don't have more or more pronounced side effects. You either have them on or off. Headache is headache. If you're seeing more frequency and more severity of headaches, that's clearly you're becoming more inflamed. The drug is, you're using too much of the drug, and that's a sign. So you need to back down.

Splitting the dose. At what point do you split the dose? It depends. What sort of effect are you looking for? Are you looking at solely immunomodulatory? Are you looking at solely behavior? A lot of discussion around behavior has gone to this BID dosing. A lot of this around pain has gone to, in some cases, QID dosing. This is what I've heard, in other patients they like to stick to one, so it becomes a compliance discussion and patient preference. Are you okay doing BID? Nine milligrams divided into two 4.5mg. That was that last paper that I was showing you on fibromyalgia, they were from 0.1 to 9mg, and you can split that dose BID. So, I am not tied to any specific dose. You will not have worse effects at a higher dose. You will either see the side effects coming on and then they just progress from there, because now you're saturating receptors and you're going in the wrong direction with your dosing for your disease.