Is the dose in mice tests equivalent to what’s considered Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

Is the dose in mice tests equivalent to what’s considered Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)?

So the question here is: wouldn't the equivalent human dose of the mouse trial end up being higher than what's considered low dose? 

It's been many, many months since we proposed the dosing schedule to Dr. Ahn at the University of Washington. I know we looked at available mouse data and that's the dose that we picked. I think I quoted 0.1 milligrams per kilogram. So if you're talking about a 70 kilogram adult, that would be seven milligrams. So that's well within that low dose range. 

Whereas that cancer trial, actually it was done by Dr. Zaygon in his group in 1983, looked at low-dose and high-dose, and the high dose actually did a lot worse. 

So there is a caution there that you don't want to overdo Naltrexone. But no, I mean, in terms of the dose that we're testing in mice, it's within the dose considered to be a low dose.