Dr Pamela Smith, LDN Specialist and Advisor to the LDN Research Trust
Do I see more adverse reactions starting with LDN at 1.5mg and doubling every five days?
I have not, but I'm using that in the more severe patients. For my patients that are asymptomatic or mild, I just use 1.0mg, and they stay on 1.0mg for 90 days. You can start at many doses, depending on the patient's weight, severity of the disease etc. Many protocols for that.
A Question from the Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Q&A Webinar on COVID and Long Haulers, the 2-hour seminar is available along with an extensive 278 page PowerPoint PDF and a Treatment Protocol, https://www.ldnrtevents.com/collections/webinars-and-training-courses/p…
Dr Pamela Smith, LDN Specialist and Advisor to the LDN Research Trust