Dr Harpal has had a varied and interesting career in medicine, starting with surgery whilst in the NHS and then moving on to private medicine for the past 10 years. It all started with wanting to try something different. She was the company doctor with AKE limited, a hostile region training facility formed by former SAS elites. She trained journalists in medical survival in hostile regions.
This led her to London where she worked as a surgeon for Marie Stopes International. During this time, she pursued her postgraduate diploma in Sexual and Reproductive medicine which eventually led to working in a male sexual dysfunction clinic in Harley street. Her work in sexual dysfunction led her to testosterone and eventually the whole spectrum of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and nutritional medicine. She trained in the USA under Neal Rouzier, who is one of the foremost experts in the world in BHRT. Alongside this, she has developed her own protocol incorporating her in-depth experience to create a thorough programme to address her patients' needs and well being.
Throughout this time, she also pursued her interest in aesthetic medicine and has come up with her own protocol utilising top-notch medi skincare and treatments, botox/fillers where relevant and nutrition or hormones where indicated to give long term natural and age relevant results.
She is a die-hard fashionista and owns an embarrassing number of clothes and shoes. She even has her own fashion blog for professionals who love colour and vintage. She loves a party and can dance for hours into the night....the kind of guest that would get your party going with lots of laughs!