Jill Cottel, MD - LDN in Primary Care - Case Studies (2016 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)


Jill Cottel, MD - LDN in Primary Care - Case Studies (2016 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

Download Dr. Cottel's LDN in Primary Care Presentation

In this presentation at the LDN Research Trust's Low Dose Naltrexone conference, Dr Cottel gives us a brief descriptions of her latest case studies covering first a gentleman with post-polio syndrome and his remarkable recovery when prescribed Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).  

Secondly, a lady with Fibromyalgia with pain, fatigue and brain fog and her positive changes due to taking Low Dose Naltrexone.  

The third case study is about a  woman with a 20-year history of fibromyalgia. Over that 20 year period she'd tried multiple treatments which all failed. Once prescribed LDN this lady had a good response within a week and by month one was pain free.  

The fourth and fifth cases are together as they’re 14-year-old twin girls with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  Both girls had been on immunosuppressants for many years to no great effect.  They were prescribed Low Dose Naltrexone; one twin saw good results within a week and the second twin took much longer but eventually both were much better than they had been since the onset of their RA.  

Thank you for listening to this presentation. All past conference presentations can be found on our website: https://ldnresearchtrust.org/ldn-conferences