Dr Mark Mandel shares his LDN Experience on the LDN Radio Show

Dr. Mark Mandel, owner of Mark drugs, compounding pharmacy in Illinois, United States shares his experience in prescribing and compounding Low Dose Naltrexone.

I first heard about LDN in the mid 1990s. One of my patient's husband was using LDN, for a couple of conditions that he had at that particular time.

He had been diagnosed with cancer and with autoimmune diseases.

We compound LDN the simple way. LDN one compounded alone with lactose sugar is the most readily absorbed available source.

For those patients who are sensitive to lactose, the only other modification or alteration we do was we put it in combination with probiotics, and that seemed to have a beneficial effect for many patients as well.

We have the ability to put chemicals into any dosage form that was effective.

We do ship LDN all across the domestic United States.

We help patients with Cancer,  Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis prescribing LDN with success.

Dosing on the Low Dose Naltrexone can vary anywhere from a minimum 1.5 milligrams at bed time to the maximum effective dose, approximately 4.5 milligrams at that time. And then it's actually the 4.5 milligram dose is typically the most common dose.

There's a variety of different patients have different response rates.

And depending on the condition that's being treated, different concentrations at different dosages may be appropriate for different patients.

We probably have about 2000 physicians who are ordering Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN).

We have physicians in the Chicago land area in central Illinois, and in Northwestern Illinois. We also work with physicians in Wisconsin and Indiana, which are the States surrounding Illinois surrounding the Chicago area.

Talking about LDN side effects, the majority of patients that report any, would be the very vivid dreams. The dreams are typically not disturbing. However some of them can be quite disturbing. Some can cause some anxiety, if the patient knows in advance that their dream cycle may be effected.

We found from a server that we carried out that only about 5% of people experience side effects at all.

We find that we're able to give the patients a lower price with a larger quantity of Low Dose Naltrexone, or they tend to get three to six months supply at a time. As you get to a three month or greater supply, the price of the LDN dropped to less than $20 a month.

So other medications that are available to treat these autoimmune conditions have awful toxicity, from simple nausea to complete fatigue, which is some of the things that you're trying to combat with conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis.

I've been amazed since I first learned about Low Dose Naltrexone, which was quite some time ago, at the positive results and the positive benefits that our patients have seen. I've had patients have been diagnosed with breast cancer, who decides to use Low Dose Naltrexone in conjunction with other treatments who've seen a reversal of the breast cancer, colon cancer and prostate cancer.

I encourage patients to contact me if they have questions. I can be reached through our website at Marc drugs or you can email us through our website@infoatmerckdrugs.com.

Summary from Dr. Mark Mendel interview. Listen to the video for the show.