Elizabeth Livengood, NMD - LDN and MDD: A Case Study - Treating Depression in Patients with Autoimmune Conditions (2019 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)


Elizabeth Livengood, NMD - LDN and MDD: A Case Study - Treating Depression in Patients with Autoimmune Conditions (2019 Conference) (LDN, low dose naltrexone)

As a naturopathic physician, Dr. Livengood establishes the foundations for health in your life, customizes the most effective yet safe and natural treatment protocols and collaborates with you to help you reach your health goals. Natural healing modalities may include:  diet changes and exercise plan along with the coaching to help you implement them. These healing therapies prove beneficial in Dr. Livengood’s areas of expertise such as autoimmune conditions, pain relief and hair restoration.

In this presentation Dr Livengood discusses how to treat depression in patients with autoimmune diseases.  Dr Livengood shares case studies of patients who suffer from depression and autoimmune disease, treating the patient holistically helped so much more than treating the individual illness. Recognising that there is much more going on with a patient than just the main symptom described.