Ellen from the United States shares their Sarcoidosis & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) 2016

I am Ellen from Rhode Island in the US. I am a patient of dr. Pradeep Chopra. I take LDN for Sarcoidosis.

I also have enlarged lymph nodes and granulomas in my lungs and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.

It's a connective tissue disorder, which means the collagen in my body has been defective since birth.  I spend my life with subluxations. Ligaments and tendons are overstretched elastic dance. So joints get very loose. So at this time I am now recuperating from my 21st surgery.

Before I got diagnosed, I was an athlete and being able to be a master swimmer and a swim coach.

I started taking LDN in 2012.

I'm terribly drug reactive to the point that I actually had a DNA drug, sensitivity testing done.

And I'm really not able to metabolize things as simple things, aspirin, Tylenol, antiinflammatories Benadryl, all the opiates, etc

I started very slow because I'm so reactive  at 1mg up to 4 mg.

Within a couple of weeks, I noticed a huge change.

The way I understand it, it's similar to the feeling you have when you have had a really good exercise, and the endorphins are released in your system. It's kind of that sensation where you just feel happier.

I would encourage anybody to try it and see if it can give you a better quality of life. It's really worth a shot.

A lot of years went by that I didn't get the proper help. Now I actually have written a book for Ehlers-Danlos so if anybody over in my area is still looking for help It's called "Living Life to the Fullest with Ehlers Danlos", with an actual physical therapy protocol that is safe to use with a manual therapist as a guide.

 I've been on LDN, which has been over three years and what shocks me is how I'm basically okay. During the day I don't need to take medication.

I am learning to better live with it. I'm learning to probably be a happier person than I was before with this. I honestly think  LDN has helped me. It just there's something about it that just helps to calm the body.

Please listen to the video for the full story.