Eric discovered LDN about two years ago from a physician who is a friend who practises functional integrative medicine. His allergies at that time were debilitating; generalised immune responses to everything from food to environment, to chemicals, to pollens to detergents in the grocery store and so on.
He had chronic sinusitis, hives, itchy, watery eyes, and difficulty breathing. And the drugs to treat all of that all have their share of dangers and interactions with other medicines and effects that he did not want.
Within three days of starting the LDN, the symptoms dissolved, and that was shocking because he had tried everything on the market. He'd seen multiple specialists and was told nothing else could be done for him.
When he began Low Dose Naltrexone he had no noticeable side effects. He got all the effects he wanted and none that he did not want. He was able to buy the LDN compounded for him - a year's worth at a time. And it's inexpensive and not a problem at all.
It replaces in some situations drugs like Humira, which in the States costs$3,000 a month and he pays only $200 for a year's worth of LDN. So, the pharmaceutical industry won't embrace it anytime soon.
It took only three days for the LDN to take effect.
He was also very gluten sensitive but he can now go out and have a pizza with anybody now and without adverse effects.
When he had a minor hospitalization the frustrating part was that because nobody was aware of what the stuff was they thought he was using Naltrexone for addiction
But conquering. Ignorance is probably the greatest challenge. One needs to find afunctional integrative medicine practitioner.
This is only a summary. To see the complete video please click on the link.