Erin from the United States talks about LDN for Hashimoto’s, Lupus (Low Dose Naltrexone)

Linda Elsegood: I’d to introduce Erin from the United States who takes LDN for hyper pituitary or as it's sometimes called secondary adrenal insufficiency. Hashimoto's thyroiditis, lupus and depression. Thanks for joining me, Erin.

Erin: You're welcome. Thanks for having me.

Linda Elsegood: Could you tell us when you first started to become sick?

How old were you?

Erin: Um, well, I would say I noticed, um, I was, it was after the birth of my third daughter. Uh, and that would be approximately 13 years ago that, uh, I was. Becoming increasingly fatigued and, um, just not handling stress well at all. Um, and we discovered at that point that I had a, that my thyroid was underactive and I started taking, um, some people medication, which, you know, it kind of sorta helped, but I, I never really, um, So back, quite back to normal and over the years following that birth, but especially after the birth of my next son, which was, um, I mean, my son, which was let's see, ten years ago, almost 11.

Um, then I fell into a deeper state of ill health where Lucas. Uh, come out, and we discovered that my hypothyroidism was actually, um, Hashimoto's Cyrus dies. So it was the autoimmune, uh, form of the condition. And I was very, um, I was depressed. I was exhausted. I was in pain, um, and we were able to get my autoimmune conditions, um, under relative control.

Uh, within a couple of years, uh, doing some anti-inflammatories and things like that. But since then, I have always had lingering symptoms. So since the birth of my son, my periods never came back. So I, I never, um, had natural cycles again. Um, I've always suffered from depression, uh, nearly chronic, um, just.

Very easily brought low. I've always suffered from extreme irritability. Uh, just very low tolerance, distress, uh, any sort of loud noises. And I just, you know, lash out. I just, it would make me come unglued and, um, I was also, uh, having extreme constipation and just a lot of lingering what I would call high coats.

Fibroid symptoms, um, or, you know, low adrenal symptoms, but no one ever checked my adrenals at that point. So about a year ago, I started doing some investigating on my own, and I discovered that I was showing symptoms of a low adrenal function. And I started contacting through the help of my doctor and through the help of some forums on the internet.

Uh, I. Was able to piece together some tests that I might benefit from and come to find out last October, we came up with the diagnosis of a hypo pituitary. So I have the reason that I wasn't cycling. And, um, the reason that I had such low-stress tolerance was that like to Metairie, couldn't communicate with my other endocrine glands, the need for the hormones that my body needs.

For, uh, my, you know, oblation and my cycles, he couldn't communicate it for the adequate amounts of cortisol to deal with stress. And, um, I was on that at that time on one of the LDN forums, because someone had suggested that it was a great forum to be on. And I hadn't really, um, heard of LDN, but I. They said it helps library problems.

So I joined the forum. I started learning about it. Um, I was in the process of optimizing my thyroid meds, getting switched over from T four to T three, which is a more potent, uh, thyroid medication. Um, and I, at the point at which I thought I'd find it. Fairly optimized. My thyroid things were going a lot better.

I was working on my iron levels, which were low. And, my symptoms of low thyroid were beginning to resolve on the different, on the different stuff. I would medication that, the symptoms that weren't resolving, where my depression, um, and I had also heard that LDN on the form that it can support the, uh, hypothalamus.

Adrenal pituitary. Um, adrenal axis, the HPA axis, which is typically the problem in hypo pituitary. I heard it could support that.

So I decided that once I optimize my thyroid meds, as much as I could, I was going to try all the, that came about, uh, just before the turn of the new year. So I think it was December 27, 2013.

I decided to go ahead and start the LDN. Uh, starting December 28, 2013. I have not been depressed one day since it had resolved all of my depression from day one. That was, it is unbelievable. It brings me to tears to think about, because I have suffered under such chronic depression and I think it was due to just, you know, low serotonin levels is all I can, um, Really think, cause I know that they'll be in supporting those serotonin levels and no one ever figured it out, but the LDN resolved it, and I have not been depressed day one.

Um, so that was resolved. And then within a week of taking the LDN, I was able to drop one-third of my thyroid medication. Um, I track my vital. Are you religious late? So I am constantly aware of my blood pressure, my heart rate and my body temperature. And uh, based on those. Vitals. I could tell that I just didn't need another dose, uh, that I normally take.

So I dropped one of my doses during the day, and I did fine. My vital States, they stayed great. So then, um, as I was following the protocol of moving up on the LDN a month later, so in February, when I went from 1.5 milligrams of LDN to three milligrams of LDN, A week after I made that change, I was able to reduce my thyroid medication again by one third.I was able within just under two months able to reduce my thyroid medication by two thirds and resolved all of my depression. And I'm still looking forward to seeing if it fixes any of my other hormones, albums. I just went in today actually for some retesting of my sex hormones.

And I'm looking to see if maybe, you know, over time it might improve those levels naturally. I'm not sure what other magic it's going to do to my system, but I am utterly grateful for LDN. And I'm so pleased with the results that I've had now. I did have some sleep issues with it, but those are gone, and I'm just.

Just very, very happy with it. And as I was telling a fellow, uh, a friend who was asking me about it for their own health, I said, you couldn't pry it from my cold dead hands.

Linda Elsegood:  Amazing story

Erin:it is, I am just, um, I'm so grateful. I honestly, I, I suffered from depression for so long, just, you know, four out of seven days a week probably. And I just. I feel like a new person.

Linda Elsegood: I'm so pleased for you.

Well, keep me posted, let me know how you get on in say a year's time. That's very interesting. Yes,

Erin: I will definitely do that.

Linda Elsegood: Thank you very much for sharing your story with us, Erin.


Any questions or comments you may have, please contact us. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for joining us today. We really appreciated your company. Until next time, stay safe and keep well.