Eva from England shares her Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) & Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Story

Eva from England takes Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for Fibromyalgia, ME/ CFS and Lyme disease. She primarily takes it for pain. 

I was about the age of 17 when I started experiencing pain, mainly back and neck pain. I'm 43 now. 

Later I was told I had some knowledge fibroids as well so I ended up with operation. I took a lot of painkillers for those first few years, and I do think they did a lot of damage.  
At the age of 30 the fatigue came in because I was just driving my body a little bit too hard with being too busy working and I didn't realize what I was doing at the time.
So the Chronic Fatigue syndrome came in much later. 

Before I started taking Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN), most days I was pretty inbound.  I tried to push and stay mentally active as much as I could, but I was very limited with regards to the activity. 
Everything takes planning, sort of social interactions and everything. 
My quality of life was like a three or four out of ten. So very limited. 

I used to do and still  do a lot of research online to try and see what I can do to help my situation.
When day I found the LDN Research Trust and contacted Linda. She commonly helped me. 
That was a year ago.  I started very low dose of Low Dose Naltrexone beause I had read that people can have problems starting at higher doses. It did take me a good few months to take up. The body did react.

Now I'm on 4.5. mg. I'm feeling really happy that LDN helped me. I'm not saying that the pain is gone  and it has absolutely helped with sleep as well, which was the benefits. I didn't sort of expect that. Very pleased.
Unfortunately, it hasn't resolved everything. I wasn't expecting it to be the magic bullet.
And I know from blood panels I've had this year as well, although there are some quite high viral titers going on, the immune system is coping ok.

I know you're doing an amazing work and I think more people need to have access to it for sure.

Summary of Eva's interview, please listen to the video for the full story.