Eveline from Belgium shares her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) Journey

Linda Elsegood: I'd like to introduce Evelyn who lives in Belgium but is actually a Dutch lady. Thank you for joining me. Evelyn, could you tell us when you first noticed that there's something wrong with you?

Eveline: Uh, yeah, that's worth about, uh, eight years ago. Um, That's when I got hit by a car. And, uh, that's when all the, all my symptoms start, um, my heart doctor was thinking of whiplash because yeah, there are also many fake symptoms.

Um, Tingling all around my body. Uh, I was, uh, I was very, uh, very confused. Uh, I had migraines since, since he thought it was a whiplash. He wouldn't send me to a neurologist, um, about. A half-year later, I got problems with my vision also. Um, I went to a, to an, a, to an eye doctor who said it was, um, uh, he, he could see there was something with my, with my nerves.

It was already, uh, uh, on his resume. Um, but I, yeah, I thought it was, it was very fake. So I, I insisted to, to see a neurologist, um, uh,  yeah, a year later,  I attended one and then the diagnosis was, uh, was, uh, said to them very quickly.

Linda Elsegood: So if at that time, when you were diagnosed, If you had to rate your quality of life on a score of one to 10, 10 being the best, what would you have said your quality of life was,

Eveline: uh, between a three and a four

Linda Elsegood: really,

Eveline: really, really poor.

Eveline: The impact for my life was, was huge because, um, in about a half year, I couldn't work at all because I was a lawyer and, uh, I couldn't sit behind the, behind the computer and because my vision was so, uh, it was so blurry.

Linda Elsegood: And how did you hear about LDN?

Eveline: Uh, that was about, um, eight years later.

I must say there is a whole other trajectory in between because I, um, I, uh, I heard from dr. Masse, uh, that's a Dutch, uh, Dutch doctor who said that, uh, MS. Situ to, uh, multiple foods, uh, influences MS. And, uh, I found out for myself that I wasn't Solomon for, uh, for, uh, for many foods. And I, uh, I eliminated foods from my diet.

And this went very well for about, I think, five, six years then my, uh, my, uh, my intolerance is starting to, uh, to spread, uh, every week. There are there, there were, uh, another three foods for something that I couldn't tolerate. And when I said my, my MS got worse and worse, um, so this was a very troubling, uh, periods and, um, I, I wouldn't, um, I don't want to, uh, to take regular, uh, in this medication because all of the side effects, uh, so I went to, I went Googling, and I heard yeah.

Something about LDN buts, but, uh, yeah, not so much. And, uh, yeah. Then I got very interested in, I, I, I did a lot of research, and I think in a couple of. One or two months. Yeah. I made the decision to, uh, to try it kind of was April, uh, 2014. Yeah.

Linda Elsegood: what would you say your experience was?

Do you have any introductory side effects when you first started?

Eveline: Um, now I have to say, uh, and I don't know if you're familiar with that. Um, I know at first I, uh, didn't have, uh, so-called um, uh, XR, fume, free diet um, now, now he's not in, um, in the, in the, in Belgium, there's a very, uh, uh, on elderly end-users he's, uh, he's my famous, um, he's called Lucas Lamont from extendo, but you know, if we are able with him, Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And he says, um, um, Uh, to have, uh, has the, uh, the most effective as possible from LDN, you will have to, uh, to, uh, uh, follow an extra, extra few free diets.

So that's no gluten, no caffeine, no Soriano spinach, uh, because they were going to same receptors as LDN does. Um, and at the beginning, I, uh, didn't follow such as the diet. Um, so I went, um, slowly, uh, I began with, uh, with acquired the milligram and then, uh, um, I noticed that very quickly when, when my dose is too high.

So when, when my dose is too high, then I have side effects otherwise, no, and the side effects are according to Lucas, Lamar, uh, due to a so-called cough down-regulation, um, this, a particular group of, uh, receptors and receptors that doesn't work properly for me.

Linda Elsegood: What did you notice? What were the side effects?

Eveline: Uh, the side effects were drowsiness, uh, deterioration of my, uh, my MS. Symptoms, uh, such as, uh, cooking, Tucson, clarity, brain fog, um, headaches, um, difficulty to wake up the morning. Um, yeah, that's the side effects. Yeah.

Linda Elsegood: And now you've been on LDN for this length of time. What is your MS like now?

Eveline: Um, my MS.

It's, it's still a combination of, uh, avoiding certain foods and taking all the end buts, but, uh, I'm very less agitated. I am less tired. Um, I've got plenty of energy. , I feel better it's, it's, uh, Uh, overall. So I'm, I'm, I'm less depressed. Uh, I sleep better. Um, and when I do have MS symptoms, um, they pass away more quickly, and they are less severe.

Linda Elsegood: That's good. And what would you say your quality of life is like now on that score of one to 10?

Eveline: Uh, between seven and eight,

Linda Elsegood: but that's quite remarkable.

Eveline: Isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. That's right. Yeah.

Linda Elsegood: Would you say you can still carry on leading at a normal life?

Eveline: Yeah. Yeah. Most of the time, I am. Yeah. Most of the time.

Yeah. But I still say it's a combination of LDN in the, in the diets and then I can, I can lead a quite normalized. Yes.

Linda Elsegood: Yeah. And what would you say to other people that are thinking of trying LDN?

Eveline: Yeah, give it a shot because, uh, but let's start slowly with the dosage and, and, and listen very carefully to your body because your body tells you, uh, what the dosage is is, is quite good for you.

Although there, there are many people that can tolerate, uh, three or even more milligrams. Um, I see in a, in it's a Dutch, uh, LDN for one, there are also many people, uh, who have side effects and who quit, um, too quickly in my opinion. And that's because, uh, so many doctors are, um, giving a description for, uh, like my doctor to start at it's a three and a half milligrams.

But it's yeah. That's why, in my opinion, to start

Linda Elsegood: most people these days start on just, um, 1.5 milligrams

Eveline:   I noticed that 

Thank you very much for your good work and, uh, it's wonderful what you're doing and, let's hope, that LDN becomes more known Thank you. pleased to be able to help you.

Linda Elsegood: thank you for sharing your experience.


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